Herbalist Suet Fai Kan


For disclosure, Suet Fai Kan is not a physician licensed by the Medical Board of California. Suet Fai Kan is a practitioner of Herbs. Herbal services are not licensed by the State of California.

Suet Fai Kan's service, herbs, is alternative or complementary to healing arts that are licensed by the State of CAlifornia. Under sections 2053.5 and 2053.6 of California's Business and Professions Code, Suet Fai Kan can offer you these services, subject to requirements and restrictions that are described in Sections 2053.5 and 2053.6.

As a practitioner of herbs, Suet Fai Kan will provide you with the following type of services:

Suet Fai Kan has been practicing herbs in the United States for 20 years. Suet Fai Kan's training and education is described below:

In order to use this website, you agree to your acknowledgment of the information provided in this document.

If you have any concerns about the nature of your herbal service, plaese discuss with Suet Fai Kan. Suet Fai Kan recommends that you inform your medical doctor that you are receiving herbal service.

Acknowledgement and Consent to Receive Services:

By pressing the link below, I certify that I have read and understood that SUET FAI KAN is not a physician licensed by the Medical Board of California and that HERBAL services are not licensed by the State of California. I have understood the nature of the HERBAL services offered by SUET FAI KAN; I have consented to use the HERBAL services offered by SUET FAI KAN. Furthermore I understand it is my responsibility to inform my licensed physician that I am using HERBAL services and will maintain relationship with my personal licensed physician.

By pressing this link, you agree that you have understood and agree to the above statements.

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