Android Development 0.2

Now with Eclipse (previously with MIT App Inventor)

The Android environment is really cool, we have access to lots of sensors the end user paid for, including a GPS, microphone, camera, orientation sensor, magnetometer, and more. But to the practical minded, it is the ease of gathering input and having those input sent wireless to backend devices that is of most use. These are the pieces to a bigger puzzle, such is the nature of software development.

Project Milktea

Tea, a relic of colonial hong kong

After getting myself comfortable with the Android platform with the exercises done in App Inventor and learning the new-to-me IDE that is Eclipse, it is time to develop something more revenue focused.

Drawing of waiter using tablet taking orders from people

A few clients of mine runs restaurants, and that's the first area where technology has and can really make a difference. Fast food style kiosk systems are now generally in use to place orders from the wait staff's console to remote printers in the kitchen, but you still see the waitress writing on a paper pad next to your table, then walk over to the console to tap in the order. In this mobile enabled world, there is really no reason to do that. The waiter should be able to take out a mobile device, tap out the order as she takes it from the customer (maybe the customer can even do it herself on her own device) then the order can immediately be sent to the cash register (for payment and accounting function) and the kitchen monitor. (touch screen enabled, to allow the chef to tap clear the dishes that are done and ready for server delivery pronto). An optional chromecast enabled big screen can then cycle the currently ordered dishes on the wall or waiting area depending on the setting. (We all had the experience where we see what the next table is enjoying and ordered the same thing.)

Milktea mobile app showing various orders in chinese QR code for Milktea

Screenshot and QR and link to the current build, item names are in chinese, when you tape the item, it shows up on the server, which will be a POS register that does accounting, adding total and calculating tax, et cetera.

Milktea mobile app backend: list of items with costs Milktea mobile app alternate entry interface: a table of items with a big red button below

A cash register for the 21st century

LCD showing the text "$3634.65"

A simple php script. The intent was to use any web capable display to act as cash register output for easy POS customer viewing. It will act as a back end for a Android Enabled POS input. The link is to a random amount generator that updates every 15 seconds without the Android frontend, just for R&D; display adjustment purpose. The billboard fonts are hand made using ASCII. It should be possible to direct the output to a text only terminal.

Android app inputting dollar amount to php script Qr code for this app
cyan yellow red green cyan orange cyan blue orange cyan blue red green cyan

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